copywriter + Translator

I'm Ellie.


I offer copywriting, editing, and translation services to business owners who know that to grow, collaboration is key.

We've all been there. 

You may dislike writing, or feel like you suck at it, or would simply rather focus on other parts of your business, BUT

So allow me to tell you mine. (and why i'm dying to hear yours.)

Your story is what sells.

Writer's block? 

Imposter Syndrome?

It all began with a Lisa Frank journal,

01 / humble beginnings

My mom said that when I was little I was never found without a book and a pen in hand. I lived and breathed words on pages, because words on pages created stories to tell.

It dawned on me pretty early on that the more languages you know, the more stories you get to read and hear. So I learned and studied Spanish (and some Russian and German) to really maximize my story intake. When I was able to fly the nest, I took every opportunity to travel, intern, and work with international organizations and later, in education. (You can check out those details on my LinkedIn, I won’t bore you with them here). 

The farther I went and the more people I met, the more stories I got to hear. I could not. get. enough.

Walking along the Camino de Santiago in Spain, having afternoon cocktails with my (WAY smarter than me) flat mates in Hamburg, Germany, before I went off to my marketing internship and they went off to their Master’s classes in math, sipping on Cuban coffee with my coworkers in Florida before attempting to do logistics (don’t ask how that went, warehouse and truck driving schedules are NOT my thing.),

All of these experiences over-FILLED my craving to learn more, see more, and listen to MORE stories.

a gel pen, and an overactive imagination.

So here's the deal:

If you have a product to sell, you have a story to tell.

Your story matters. Consumers need connection to commit. Stories  - and  the copy written from those stories - create it. Collaborate with someone who’s OBSESSED with hearing stories and an EXPERT at retelling them to write yours. 


003 //

'cuz the devil's in the details.

my top five


Three boys, one dog, a yard filled with dirt piles, lawn tools, and patches of dead grass 


fantasy fiction

happy hour


Give me a mediocre east coast summer beach break and I'll never be happier.

The best way to describe my services is just by saying I'll be the Lysandra to your Aelin.

Will ABSOLUTELY wake up before the kids to enjoy a cup (or 3) in peace.

5 am coffee and 5 pm *French* Sauv Blanc are the bookends to a perfect day.

We'll be best
friends if you...

know when to raise the white flag and get help when you need it. Aka hiring out your copy / writing needs.

are a yes person (to the detriment of your inner peace sometimes).

enjoy staying in with a good book and a glass of wine, but also staying up all night dancing if the opportunity arises

The about page is the hardest page to write.

tell me I'm wrong that: